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Sunday, April 5, 2009

I just wanna get everythings right..
and please dun force me to hate u much more my friend...
I dun wan to repeat the same mistake like what i did last time....just dissapear from my eyes and dun disturb us...
i drop my tears coz of u...coz of u there is a black dark ambience around me..
caused a chaos..
i jst ....i dunno...i just wanna end everythings soon...as soon as possible....got back indo is the best!!
Enough for me to hear a lot of discouragement from the people around me...the closer one...
Enough for me to drop my tears for all...
I need my mom, I miss her so much..I miss her existence beside me...who will encourage me the most...in everythings I do!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

well...assessment coming...critique 3 had passed...and we were waiting for our final critique to come...now i was like so damn bored and sick of doing this single social club...i dunno how to design...sometimes just curious and wonder whether i can make it to continue to degree or not...
and tml is KIM class...OMG....what she is going to say about mine?no design?boring?
hm....kk back to work....lolx
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hehe...valentines day this year i was not expected that he will do something...
as he bluff me that he wont buy anything for me...but who noes...
when on that day he got history group disscusion at jalan besar..and i was still sleeping like a pig at home...he went with joan to buy me flower and a gift.
So that day it goes like...
hm....we met at peace centre as we are going to have our lunch together...so i was waiting for him in front of pece centre..then i saw him came to look for me...well...actually i was walking and waiting behind him..so i shout "Raymonddd.....!!!"
then...i saw him carry a bag..and what i expected really happend...well before i went out from my home..i kind a got a feeling that he will do something or buy me soemthing...but i was too dump to believe him and ignore what i expected...so i just like...okay fine no flowers on this valentines...
hehe...but then he gave me that plastic bag..inside got a flowers and a gift..
woh..i felt so touched and about to cry...lolx.. so lame..
so i act like...huh?for me?
wahahhaa..u noe girls like to act...lolx..
very happy lor...
then we went for a lunch at peace centre but he dun wanna eat..
so...nvm lor..i ate myself...
then in the japanese food court i go and open the gift...and again for the second time what i guees is correct..its a bracelet...
lolx...coz i lost the last year bracelet....that he gave me..paise..
then we went back and take a nap..as at night we got an appointment with eilin and they all to go to wala2...
before we went there we had our dinner at 6.30p.m at billy's bomber..
its quite nice...well at least i nvr order the super not nice chicken wings that i had ordered before..
then after that we met they all in holland village there...and had a great fun until 6 a.m
the longest nite i ever had... ^^
and super sleepy...hehe


last word i wanna say is..thanks dear....u quite succesful for the surprise...lolx..
though u bluff me..but...thats the fun part..but it doesnt mean that i let u to bluff me..hor..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hari Kasih Sayang tgl 14th Feb,09
Aku ngga tau n ngga yakin hari itu bakal menjadi hari yg bahagia buat aku..skrg aja aku muak dgn smuanya...
tiap hari cuman air maata yg nemenin aku ...
tiada kata yg dpt menyemangati aku walaupun dr diri sendiri,ortu dan sebagainya...
gmn caranya biar aku bisa bangkit?
itu yg aku cari2 blakangan ini...knp smua bisa dan aku ngga bisa?
ngga ada kata ngga bisa kalo km blm nyoba,itu yg biasa tmn atopun sodaraku blg...
tapi hati ini aja yg ngga mau kebuka2...
Tlg dunks buka...aku uda ngga tahan kalo ini tertutup terus menerus.

Di hari Kasih Sayang,aku rasa aku ngga bakal sng seperti tahun sebelumnya dmn aku seneng bgt dan ngrasain kasih sayang dr seseorg yg aku ngga sangka dia bakal nglakuin sesuatu yg bisa buat aku kaget dan bahagia

Apa sih masalahnya? apa point dr mslh2 yg akku hadapin sekarang?
aku capekkk..capek bgt...

eh...bisa ngga seh km tuh bangun dr tidurmu?
bisa ngga?
kmn seh motivasi km slama ini?
km tuh uda suffer dr juli kmrn ....ampe kpn km mau bertahan?
skola berantakan, dll...ada untungnya buat km?
skrg km tuh uda yg plg lambat di sekola?puas?belon puas?mau nunggu apa?
ampe km failed gtu?

km tuh uda ngecewain byk org...tp tetep aja km ngga mau bgn2..heran..gmn seh carana km tuh bisa bangun trus semangat lagi ngerjain tugas2mu?
apa yg bisa buat km smgt?
percaya dirimu tuh kmn?

maunya plg ke indo mulu...
km mau buat ortumu kecewa?

though u keep telling urself all these...u just cant wake up...i hate this!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008

HOngkong Trip..
haha....sorry..its quite late though to make this blog...but...
let me try to recall what did I remember about that..
we departure from Singapore to Hongkong is on 8 December 2008 by Singapore Airlines...
KK...the first day we went there...we went straight away to our Hotel which is IBIS hotel at Java Road...North Point...
then we proceed to the MTR which is like MRT in Singapore...
we bought the Octopus card and it cost us about 150 hongkong dollar...
which is about 30 dollar sing...
ya..then our first destination is.....what sia...
hm....perhaps we went out for dinner that time...whahahaha....
correct me if im wrong...
food in hongkong is so horriblle...i mean not the taste but the portion they give is u superrrr a lot...OMG
u will not be able to finish it by urself...till weqiang oso got phobia of eating rice when he was there...lolx..
after we finish our dinner..we went to the peak by taking a tramp...yah....this is how the tramp looks like...
then the tramp will bring u to the peak where...the whether there is v.cold...like being inside the fridge...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

feeling blessed?
yeah...i was...
and now perhaps....

why i keep on lying to myself..
why i keep...cheering myself..
why do i keepp on choose to be the one who...keep all these
why do i act strong but yet not strong...in fact
why do i need to lie on my truely beloved people...

u r not strong
u r not smart
u r loser
u r a fool
u r stupid

u just bluff urself..
wad do u ask to urself....
why do u need to askk urself when u try to find the answer or perhaps noe the answer...
why u do you act stupid to urself for keep on wondering for the answer...
r u just acting to be stupid...???

wad r u wishing for
its just a dream
its impossible
its just an empty hope and answer
u will not get it back...
once it lost it will hard to bring it back to u...

wad r u saying
its just air that come from ur mouth
its nothing

wad r u grumbling about
wad r u scared for
wad are those things that make u scared?
scared this and that
make urslef to be firm!!!lousy girl

who is this?
i dunno u...
u r just a shameless..
please go away from me!!!!

u even forget about a lot of things
where is ur motivation?
where is ur pride?
where is ur confindent?
where is ur strong behaviour?
where is ur free smile?
where is ur cheerful attitude?
wad r u doing now?
wad r u emo for?

its ur fault to let go ur confidet,
who ask u??
u can be strong last time

all those things that u promise to urself...
wad is it come out?
in the end its just a dissapointment..
a sin
every point that u mention to urself
its just goneee...
its just gone by a slow wind that blowing it away....

u r just a damn stupid girl
why r u crying...
is this the only thing u can do??

u wan to be happy
everybody wan
u wan to be loved
everyone does

u just make urslef even more sad
more mistakes
wake up!!!
do i need to pour water to ur face so that u will wake up?!!!

u nvr think about ur parents?
wad will they feel!!!!
i tot these are the most important in ur life....

wad do u get???
will it make u satisfied?

u must get urslef backkk!!!
can not just sit there
wondering this and that

christmas is coming
u better...wake up!!!
wake uppp....
i dunnnoo where u r ...my soul...my spirit...
i dunno where have u been hiding...
i just need u backk....
